About Wadi Farm
The behind-the-scenes bits...
"Our stories should not be the inspiration for your actions or lack of, your heart and conscience should provide that, our stories are for truth and healing." (M.B.)
'Wadi' is a word in certain Arabic countries to describe a channel or waterway that is dry except in the rainy season. As most of the Wadi Farm horses are Walers whose ancestors had a proud and tragic military history in Egypt and parts of the Middle East...and as Kevin's surname is Waddington, it seemed appropriate as a property name.
Wadi Farm HerdLife - we are Kevin and Katherine Waddington. We purchased our 95 acre slice of 'needs-a-bit-of-work' heaven in 2005 and made the sea change from Margaret River.
We were 2 of 9 founding members of the Outback Heritage Horse Association of WA (Inc) - a Donor Gift Recipient (DGR) status charity which was founded in 2005 and ran for 10 years, rescuing "at risk" old bloodline wild horses from remote outback areas in WA. Both of us were Office Bearers for most of those years. The charity was formally closed in 2015, due not to lack of need or rescue funds, but more to lack of volunteer funds and care fatigue. The OHHAWA Inc. had several hundred members and rescued well over 300 horses during this time, thanks to a group of incredibly dedicated and talented individuals.
I (Katherine) am a writer, digital photographer, Intuitive Wise Woman, amateur ethologist and Equine Behavioural Consultant. I am good at this partly because I identify as Autistic (ADH, PDA), and my powers of observation are acute. I also work intuitively with essential oils and run most of the workshops. In my spare time I am a local rural Mail Contractor. I manage the website and all media for Wadi Farm. I am often able - through active listening, observation, and taking clients walking and talking with the herd - to increase an individual’s recognition of self and work on improving their connection with self and their horse/s in a relaxed, safe and supported environment.
Kevin has extensive horsemanship and bare foot trimming experience. Kevin participates in World War I Light Horse re-enactment work and we both undertake volunteer school/club/living history visits with the horses. When not working with horses or on the farm, Kevin is semi-retired these days but worked in Local Government in the areas of Asset Management and Finance. He is a strong advocate of regenerative agriculture.
We have gone from originally learning pressure based/negative reinforcement 'natural horsemanship', to these days practising liberty/kindness based/affirmative based training techniques. We use minimal tools, maximum choice, mutual respect and liberty/kindness based/affirmative based training techniques. (For horses and humans alike!) This includes the feeding of food 'treats' to those horses who prefer it/respond well to it. These days, we teach connection with horses through an understanding of equine behaviour and connection with/greater understanding of self. We do not believe in punishment but we acknowledge that not all pressure is abusive.
Please note we do not train outside horses. We do not offer riding lessons of any kind.
Our philosophy? 'When you know better, you should do better.' Kindness matters. Recognising behaviour matters. We are just ordinary folks intent on learning kinder and more understanding ways to be with horses.
Wadi Farm has eleven permanent (mostly rescued wild born) equine residents, many of which now partner us in our Herd Wisdom Based Learning journey.
Wadi Farm hosts veterinary /animal science/Agricultural College students, equine experiential learning retreats, artists, photographers, as well as running a select number of holistic equine based learning/training programs. We also offer 'forest bathing' and bush walking with horses.
Check out our Facebook page - we make no secret of what we do. We invite people to come and meet the herd and see for themselves. These days we teach humans rather than horses - aside from our own! We are happy to recommend other trainers if our methods are not for you.
Please note neither of us are trained Psychologists/Psychiatrists or mental health workers. We sometimes host or work in conjunction with such Professionals, and we have a wide network of contacts for referrals if requested.
We also consider ourselves eudaemonists.
"Eudaemonism (also eudemonism)
noun : a system of ethics that bases moral value on the likelihood that good actions will produce happiness."