"All energy is only borrowed, and one day you will have to give it back." (Neytiri, Avatar)

"Frequency is defined as a measurable rate of electrical energy that is constant between any two points. When there is frequency, there is electromagnetic potential. We are being influenced by the magnetic action (or attraction), of the frequencies that surround us each day, and those frequencies influence our state of well being. Everything has an electrical frequency measured in megahertz." (Essential oils desk reference)
It is not woo-woo. All living things vibrate at different frequencies. Measurable fact. Many of these frequencies are compatible with one another. Some are not.
One problem that arises is that living things, like ourselves, other animals and trees, etc. can become physically or emotionally unwell. This causes fluctuations in individual frequencies. Lower frequencies in humans = possible 'dis-ease'.
The reason human (and some animals!) are drawn to things like crystals/semi-precious stones, harmonics, binaural music, essential oils, etc. is because THOSE very different things have stable and unchanging frequencies, or very specific frequencies and energy patterns which can help alter/rebalance our own.
Each essential plant oil (and I'm talking 100% therapeutic grade plant oils here, not dilutes), and crystal/semi-precious stone (eg. rose quartz, hematite, etc.)... has a specific frequency. When we - and our animals - are constantly near these stable energy fields, they help adjust and boost our own frequencies. As well as provide other benefits. Basically.
This is also why we feel at home in nature - mature, healthy trees also have more stable (although not unchanging) frequencies. The interconnected energy in forests/bush is very strong. The earth itself resonates at a frequency - it's been measured. (Hence 'earthing' being good for you.)
This is also why healthy horses help humans with unstable energy fields 'realign' and regain their 'flow'. And why we, as emotionally fit/well balanced humans, can help horses simply by breathing and remaining in our 'flow'. It helps our frequencies align. Having a healthy personal frequency helps reduce anxiety, improve clarity of thought, and improve our quality of sleep.
We need to remember that we all resonate differently. A horse - who has a slower heartbeat and different energy to us - can 'feel' an approaching human like another horse trotting towards them. Hence the need to breathe and regulate. To a horse, an adrenalised person is a higher energy, adrenalised person...whether or not that human is fearful or excited at the prospect of being near a horse. It can feel the same to the horse, fear and excitement in humans. They can learn to read our body language and scent and tell one from the other, but it's still an increased energy they need to learn to cope with in their field, as it were!
Everyone is different. Every horse is different. But some things apply universally. Lower frequencies in living things can mean 'dis-ease' can find a way in. Maintaining healthy environments - internally and externally - for yourself and your animals/loved ones - is the way to maintain a strong frequency.
Even communicating or THINKING in a negative way can lower your frequency or that of another (giving away energy to bullies or 'energy vampires'). So can stress, lack of regular good sleep, as well as some food and drink. Sugar, caffeine and alcohol? They lower your frequency, even if they feel like they don't.
Research any or all of this for yourself. The science is out there.
Research 'vibrational communication'. That's another rather amazing thing that's out there. Nature is the greatest teacher of all.
Paying genuine compliments to people (and accepting compliments in an authentic and open way!)...paying positive attention/reinforcement to your horse or dog rather than negative...eating well, hydrating...all these things will boost every being's energy and frequency and help with connection and alignment. Kindness is healthful.
It's not woo-woo. Try it and see, if you haven't already.
(For further info on 'Complimentary Therapy', check out my previous blog on the subject. It's a handy social interaction/relationship tool.)

#wadifarmlife #gowiththeflow #livelighter Top photo (c) KAW, bottom image (c) A. Kate