Surround yourself with healers, attend all the workshops you like....
Follow whomever you wish, but remember...all the answers you seek are inside YOU.
It starts and ends there.

"A ‘healer’ is not someone that you go to FOR healing. A healer is someone that triggers within you, Your own ability to heal yourself.”
Go lightly my friend.
There is more to life than healing.
We all live with sealed cracks.
And that's okay.
Trust yourself to know what is best...for you.
The past is the past - even yesterday is past.
You don't have to live there anymore.
Be kind to yourself. This is important.
Be kind to your body - we only get the one, at least in this lifetime.
If bad things have happened to yours, you need to acknowledge this.
Forgive the cause. Honour the strength it took to survive.
Honour your flesh and your journey.
Be kind to your body, and be gentle on your soul.
Trust yourself enough to know who is best for you, and who is not.
Let go of those limiting beliefs, habits and people who suppress the heart in you.
Let go of your sadness and your anger and those walls you are propping up around yourself every day.
Let them fall. It's time.
It's not easy, it's never easy, but remember...the past is the past. Don't let anything hold you there.
To move forward, breathe in, then breathe out, and let go.
When you are ready, you really will let go, even if only a bit at a time.
Know that until we can release our own blocks, our world will not release.
Creativity will not flow. Your universe will not move forward until you do, consciously, authentically.
Your comfort zone will not expand until you do.
Live lighter. Be mindful of you.
Work on yourself, and the rest will come.
Every wonderful, starlit piece of it.
It's not easy, but as soon as you let go, something will shift. It really will.
You just have to trust the process.